Friday, April 30, 2010

A fabulous day off ~ 24 Degrees!

What a fabulous day!

Though last night, it ended off with a bang! Got a flat tire, good thing it didn't stop us on the highway, on our way home from work. Problem solved, got CAA to replace it with my snow tire, and got the tire fixed today.
Went to an warehouse sale today and scored a table cloth for $6.50, 4 ramikins for $2.50 and S&P shakers for $4.50.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

It's Hump Day! Thank you for sunny day today!

I was rummaging through my drawers this morning, trying to put together and outfit, and realized, I really need to go do some shopping and fill my wardrobe with some spring clothes.

After donating out of style, worn out clothes, I have some drawer space and can potentially fill up with some new pieces.

I hope I can squeeze in some shopping this weekend, after picking up my car from the body shop. Ryan's godfather is going to make it new again.

Enjoying my Tim's coffee, a bit strong though. Gonna start digging into some real work.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can I have it?

Sleigh Bed From Bassett Furniture

Interior Door selection:

Dressers for Jack 'n' Jill bedrooms:


Arm Chair for the 'Jill' room

Glass shelf for Ensuite:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Good Sunday Morning

Stayed over at the In laws this weekend.
We're about to make some coffee in my MIL new coffee maker- yummmmy.
Probably will head home around 10.

I have 3 things ony my to-do list:
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Spring clean my wardrobe
  • Organize my plastic portable drawers

I'm hungry...what's for breakfast?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday-Flyer Day!

It's 7:31am at the office, just had a parfait, minus the fruit and a coffee. Starbucks is giving a free coffee to those who bring in their reusable travel mug.
Gonna be a hot one today, needless to say I wish I was outside, enjoy it, rather then at the office.
Almost the weekend! Looking forward to a bday celebration, the BIL, and hopefully squeeze in some shopping. I need to refresh my spring and summer wardrobe. I still have to do my spring cleaning and get rid of clothes I don't wear anymore. Charity pick up is on the 30th.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just thinking..

One of my biggest regrets, was throwing away a vintage wood arm chair that Ryan's grandmother gave me, it only needed seat cushions for the bottom and the back, and I remember Ryan clearly asking me 'are you sure you want to throw it out' and I said 'yes' and quickly he tossed it into the garbage bin! oh my gosh- what a mistake...something I shall not do again- never throw away anything vintage!

Portfolio | Hilltop Contemporary | Sarah Richardson Design Inc.

Inspiration for 'The Jack' room
Portfolio Hilltop Contemporary Sarah Richardson Design Inc.

Hump Day!

It's 8am at the office. Having some breaky- cranberry choco- oatbars and a tea. No coffee today.
The weather is looking great, sunny and going to be about 17 C.

Gotta make it to the gym today- to meet my 3 day/week work out, I missed Monday and Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Let's start from the beginning

I hope to maintain this blog, with the start of my house renovation, day to day activities and anything that's new and exciting happening in my world (or our world re: my hubby)

These are my parents doggies, I grew up with Rocky, who is chilling in the back and Sugar is an addition that my lil' brother and his wife brought home for my mom.