Tuesday, August 3, 2010

...And the wall comes crashing down!

The goal for this weekend, was to move our two rooms into the new sparerooms, so we can make room for the new hallway to be built.
The progress of the job:

The dust was so terrible!! Oh the hate for it! That's the worst part of renos, is the drywall dust!

In addition, my or should i say 'our' dressing room is finally complete, so that I can move our clothes in! Needless to say, the new dressing room IS BIGGER and MUCH MUCH, better!
The easiet part was moving clothes from closet to closet, but I had lost count of how many times I've went back and forth, BUT I did note it took me 3 hours to move 99% of our clothes and get it somewhat organized.
Here is a photo of 'his' side. 'Her' side isn't quite ready yet.


  1. Gorgeous!! Are you planning on putting doors on the closets?

    I also have 'open' closets in my dressing room and love it :-) It is like shopping in your own closet.

    Within each 'type of clothing (i.e. tops, pants, skirts), I organize by colour and find it makes it seem really put together (considering they are out in the open, you know?).

    Great work!

  2. no doors, it's entirely walk in, we have 2 doors from our bathroom that you can walk through. I will take a photo and post!
    Thanks for the comment!
